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EMI, or electromagnetic interference, refers to the interference of an electrical or electronic device by an external electromagnetic field. EMI can be caused by many sources, including other electrical devices, power lines, and even the sun. There are two main types of EMI, known as radiated EMI and conducted EMI. Radiated EMI is caused by the emission of electromagnetic fields and needs to be addressed by proper shielding and grounding on the audio equipment. Conducted EMI, on the other hand, is caused by the transmission of electromagnetic fields through conductive materials, such as wires or cables.
The most common causes of EMI in modern homes are the low-quality switching power supplies used by phones, screens, lamps, and other electrical appliances. DA&T AC Filter III is specifically designed to address EMI in the AC power system. It can reduce power noise by up to 60 dB and a further 75 dB reduction when using two in series.
In the context of home audio/video systems, even small amounts of interference can significantly impact the output quality. The household switching power supplies operating at high frequencies produce many odd harmonics up to hundreds of khz. It may seem irrelevant to the performance of the audio/video systems as the harmonics are way higher than 20khz, Still, as a matter of fact, it will generate more intermodular distortions during the amplification process and interfere with sound and video processing, resulting in problems like poor color saturation or thin sound.
DA&T AC Filter III has high-permeability cores, low-temperature crystalline oxygen-free copper wires, low ESR capacitors and high-quality power sockets. It helps ensure that the audio/video system operates at its optimal performance level, thus unlocking its true capability.
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